I want to show off some lovely pastel rainbow journals I made using Boko Undo Suminagashi inks (affiliate link) – and before you leave a comment, YES they are very light in color once they dry! If you are looking for bold, vibrant colorful marbled paper, you need to try a different style of marbling called Turkish Marbling (follow that link for a great instructable).
The thing I like about the Japanese style of marbling, called Suminagashi, is that you can do it in a tray full of water, and you don’t have to make a special gooey marbling “size” and it’s not as fussy, with the paints floating and sinking at various rates, etc. Yes, I know it’s complicated! If you want to learn more about marbling, I highly recommend taking a virtual class from Natalie Stopka…or see if you can find someone locally in person, because it’s kind of messy to set up.
I did treat my paper (Mohawk Superfine) with alum to help the colors stick – but I don’t think that’s required. I also used a very big 18″x20″ marbling tray, so the outer rings of the marbling were condensed and therefore darker in color than the inner rings…anyway, enough about marbling, here are the newest additions to my Handmade Journal Shop:

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